Feeding the Hungry for St. Patrick’s Day – One Beer at a Time

Like many people, St Patrick’s Day makes me think of beer and leprechauns. However, the beer that comes to mind the past couple of years isn’t green, but has a unique story and mission. And for those of you who have been around here a while, you know that helping others is a real motivator for Alyssa and me!
How I learned about Finnegan’s

A few years back, I was working out of a shared office space in Lowertown, St Paul. A group of us headed up the block on St Patrick’s Day to take in the parade, which is a huge deal in St Paul. As the parade was going by, there was also a truck parked on the street that was attracting a lot of attention. It was the Finnegan’s reverse food truck!
Instead of serving food, this truck was accepting donations of non-perishables, or monetary donations that would go to a local food shelf in order to purchase local, fresh produce. And to top it all off, the company that was out accepting donations was a brewing company! What?!? One of the guys I was with had actually purchased a bunch of their beer for back at the office that afternoon as well, too! I wouldn’t call myself an expert on beer, but I am a bit picky and won’t really drink a beer that isn’t really good. Finnegan’s did NOT disappoint!
It’s just beer, right?

Wrong! I’ve been so intrigued and surprised by Finnegan’s that I’ve had to keep up with them as they’ve grown over the past few years. When I first learned about them, they pretty much brewed one beer. They brewed in a space provided by a different company, which cut their costs. All the proceeds from the beer sales went to help local food shelves. Pretty neat!
They’ve since expanded in a huge way! Finnegan’s Brew Co. has their own space, a whole host of beers on tap and in stores around the metro, and events all the time. They are working hard to connect good people with good beer, and giving the proceeds to those who need it right here in our communities!
Basically, Finnegan’s donates 100% of its profits to local charities. We buy beer, they give all the profits back to local charities. Does it get any better than that? If you’re interested in the details like I am, check it out for yourself!
Whether you’re in the twin cities or not, I would encourage you to think of St Paddy’s day in a new way. Find a way to give back in your community, and help those who need it most.