2019 Financial Peace University (FPU) Preview
It’s that time of year again- the Osegards will be back coordinating Financial Peace University (FPU) at Eagle Brook again this year! As we reflect on last year, we are SO excited to see what God has in store for everyone who will walk through those doors. But what’s the big deal about FPU at our church anyways? Well, let me tell you!
Why Financial Peace?
There are SO many different ways to handle money, and countless people that are willing to teach you any and everything they can about their way to do finances. What makes FPU different from most of the others out there is that the principles are based in the Bible, and rooted in good old-fashioned common sense. Dare I say that almost everything you will learn in the course is stuff you probably already know or have heard at some point? What Dave and his team do so well is connect the dots for us, and show us how to implement this in everyday life. It’s not a quick fix as much as it’s a new way of thinking of and dealing with money.
Why Eagle Brook Church?

This year, Eagle Brook made a big, hairy, audacious goal of seeing 10,000 people go through FPU. That’s an INSANE number, but here’s how that breaks down. Each of the seven campuses has a number of different sessions being held on-site each week. Woodbury, for example will have sessions on Sundays, Mondays, and Tuesdays in the evening, and Monday morning. That means that for 9 weeks straight, we will have hundreds of people at the church, going through the same biblically-based curriculum at the same time. Talk about great accountability!
How does that work?
It is truly remarkable how many pieces and people come together to make something like this possible. From planning and marketing, to setup and teardown, there are so many people working behind the scenes. They all work to ensure that FPU runs smoothly for everyone. Plus, roughly 100 volunteers will be taking their time once a week to lead small group discussion. And that’s just at our campus!
As we are finishing up the planning and prep, we are both anxious and excited for the class to be here. It’s always a bit of a whirlwind honestly, especially on the first night. Alyssa will be helping coordinate getting people into small groups, helping people register, and lots more of those Type-A tasks. Seriously, the spreadsheet magic that she uses to organize and track everything for these sessions is the thing legends are born from. I’ll be helping wrangle our volunteers and make sure they have what they need, help with check in stations, directing people and answering questions, and lots more extroverty-type things like that.
On your marks…

While it’s a huge undertaking for sure, it’s something that we genuinely LOVE to do. We are so passionate about the impact that this program has for people when they truly commit. We’ve seen such a change in our finances, relationships, and lives since we went through the course 4 years ago. Not only that, but the FPU course was just revamped. The new content is INCREDIBLE. The chance to share that with even more people this year is so amazing, and we can’t wait!