Financial Peace University – Momentum Marathon Review 2019

Flashback to summer 2018 – We had just announced that we were going to be on the Dave Ramsey show to celebrate with a debt-free scream! As word got out, we were let in on a little secret – our church was going to be going through a version of Momentum, a program that aimed to take entire churches through a class to create financial mature people who are working to better their finances (and in turn, their family trees and their communities).

When we were in Nashville, we had the amazing opportunity to meet with two of the advisors/coaches that our church was working with. We talked about our experience going through FPU in 2015 and what it was like to be both a facilitator and an advisor.

Not long after, we were offered the volunteer position to direct a session of FPU. After a lot of talking, planning, and prayer, we accepted the position for ALL FOUR sessions at our campus. We wanted to be a part of seeing lives changed!

What did we measure?

The Financial Peace University class is nine weeks long.  On week two, participants turn in an anonymous “financial reality check” that has them look at their non-mortgage debt, readily-available cash, and number of credit card accounts open. These numbers get tallied up and provide a big snapshot of where the class is at. At the end of the nine weeks, they fill out a similar card that asks how much on-mortgage debt they paid off, how much additional cash they saved, and the number of credit cards they cut up.

Let’s talk numbers

The Results

We had about 209 households stick through the nine weeks of Financial Peace University, and their results are astounding! On average, each household cut up 2 credit cards (though totals per household ranged from 0-20). On average, each household saved $2873 between weeks 2 and 9. Most astounding is that on average, each household paid off $5,635 of non-mortgage debt!

These participants are ALL IN. They know that if they can live a life where they don’t have to make payments to someone else. That money can be used in so many other ways that are far more beneficial.

The Momentum Marathon

All in all, it was a little bit of a crazy ride directing this many FPU classes. We easily dedicated 20 hours or more a week for the nine weeks (and for a few weeks before as well).
It isn’t necessarily a sustainable thing for us as a couple, but we don’t regret it. But what has been so fun to see is the way that God has showed up every step of the way.

Last year, we worked hard to have around 20 volunteers helping lead groups. This year, we had over 100 volunteers step up! Every year, God seems to place the right people in each group, with the right leaders. And yet again, we have heard story after story from people that have made important connections with the other people in the class. They continue on to form small groups, stay in touch about FPU, or even build new friendships. And more than anything, God shows up in the progress and change that each of these participants make. We are so humbled to be a part of that work, and can’t wait to share with more people the effect that FPU has had on our lives!

Email Etiquette Quick Tips

Have you ever been frustrated by poor communication or etiquette? Email etiquette is especially frustrating to me, especially with the number of places and ways that email is used in my (and Alyssa’s) lives. I go through a few hundred emails a day easily, between work, personal, consulting, and other things we help out with. Alyssa’s job also involved a large portion of email use, as well. And across all of these different uses, we have started talking more and more about the poor etiquette that is so prevalent.

I used to think it was just me that was bothered by bad email etiquette. But as it turns out, I’m not alone! We asked what types of things bother people with email, and we were a little surprised by the responses! Here are our responses to the feedback we got over on Instagram!


Ever received a forwarded email chain, with the text at the top simply stating “FYI”? No explanation, no summary, no nothing. Now, you have to scroll through an entire conversation (usually in reverse) and try to figure out what they want you to know from the emails passed along.

Better etiquette would be to provide a (super brief) summary of the info you are passing along, and why. For example, forwarding a chain of emails with instructions on a new process for bringing on new clients. “FYI, please see the updated onboarding process below and reach out to Jim with any questions or concerns. Thank you!” Now, they know exactly what to expect in the emails, what to pay attention to, and who to contact if they don’t understand anything. This shows the recipient you value their time, and equips them to read and move on quickly!

Proper Greeting and Signature

This is a personal pet peeve of mine – emails with absolutely no greeting or signature. Just a statement, question, or information. Take the extra few seconds to address the person you are contacting with a short greeting, depending on the context.

If you know the person you’re emailing, a simple “Hi Jim,” works great. If emailing a group of people or a helpdesk-type email, a short “Hello,” or “Hi all,” is perfect.

To conclude, be sure to leave off with what you are looking for next, and any info they need. If an issue has been resolved, be sure to thank them genuinely! If you still need help, still be thankful. “Thanks in advance!” or “I appreciate any help you can provide” is just fine. And at a minimum, you should have your name at the end of the email, if not an email address or phone number to reach you as well!

What do you want?!

This happens especially frequently in my job, as we receive support inquiries via email all the time. “I have a question about how your product works.” That’s all it says. What am I supposed to do with that?

Be sure to leave any necessary details to describe what you are looking for. Are you hoping to speak with someone on the phone about a specific issue? Give them enough identifying information or details so that they can prepare to call you and have your account etc pulled up. This will save you time on the phone, and help them assist you even better.

It’s also great etiquette to state plainly what you are looking for. If you are looking for an email response, or for someone to finish a task for you, then say so! When we read emails, it is tougher to imply what the sender might mean. We don’t get the same facial expressions and non-verbal cues. A lot of times, we don’t even know the person on the other end of the message! Be clear and polite about what you need.

Don’t even THINK about hitting send with this bad email etiquette!

It’s not a text message.

While some abbreviations are a part of email as well, an email is not a text to your bestie. Think of it as a letter, sent on a computer instead of in the mail. I would recommend avoiding unnecessary abbreviations or slang, like “plz” or “thx”. These come across in emails as disingenuous, and feel fake to the receiver.

Another key is to use proper capitalization and full sentences. This might sound a bit elementary, but you’d be surprised how many people don’t do this! You will be able to communicate more effectively, and come across as more polite. Be especially careful when sending from a phone, as it can easily be overlooked.

What other tips do you have on email etiquette? What bothers you most about the messages you receive?

Travel on a budget by focusing on flights and food

We often get asked how we can travel on a budget. People assume that since we teach Financial Peace university, we have to sacrifice all fun – especially travel.

The key to being able to travel is ultimately prioritizing travel above other things. We keep other areas of our budget incredibly low to be able to put a little more into our travel fund. Still, we have big goals, so we don’t set aside a ton of money for our trips. Budgeting wisely before and during travel means we are able to keep our costs low and travel more frequently!

We’ve found over the course of our travels that the two things that can easily ruin a travel budget are flight costs and food costs. Here are our top tips to stay on budget!

Travel on a Budget: Flights

Patience is key in this area. It can be easy to get caught up in the excitement of planning a trip and book a flight right away, but being patience and shopping around can often help you find a better deal.

Another key is being willing to sacrifice the amenities many flights offer. Flying isn’t always glamorous, so it can be tempting to splurge on fancier seats. Being willing to skip the extra food and give up some leg room can save you hundreds of dollars.

Another tip for flying is to pack light! Baggage costs can be steep, so we try to consolidate into as few bags as possible. Often times we each bring a personal item and we share a carryon. Not checking a bag saves money on most airlines! Check your airline’s baggage standards to see what will save you the most on your trip.

Our DELSEY suitcase has served us well and has been around the world with us!

Finally, being willing to travel in the off season will save you lots of money too. Traveling to the beach during spring break will cost you a lot more than it would during a less peak time!

Travel on a Budget: Food

Food can be one of the sneakiest things in a travel budget. It’s so easy to indulge in all sorts of treats and drinks. Plus, grabbing food while on the go can quickly add up!

Bringing your own snacks and a water bottle will save you lots of money at the airport. We also try to pack snacks on road trips too, because those little pitstops can end up costing you! Sure, it’s often only $5 a time, but every stop on every trip is a lot of money!

Even when we traveled to Europe, we made a point to shop at local grocery stores when possible to save money!

When traveling, we also do our best to continue making our own food. Not only does this allow us to eat a little healthier while traveling, but it saves us a ton of money! Stop at a local grocery store to stock up for some, or even most, of your meals.

Las Paletas (Gourmet popsicles) were a pre-planned treat in Nashville!

Finally, plan ahead. We love to try food in new places, and could easily it out for every meal. When we travel, we prioritize what places we REALLY want to try, and plan times to eat at those establishments. We allow a little wiggle room for when things come up, but only eating out a few times keeps us focused on our goals – health-wise AND financially!

What other tips do you have for traveling on a budget? We’re always on the hunt for new tips that will help us travel even more!

Comparing Costs of Working Out at Home vs the Gym

The last few years I have been able to compare the costs of working out at home vs the gym because I’ve tried both! One of my goals has been to move my body, because I know it helps me with my SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). This winter has helped confirm that moving my body truly helps me with SAD and my anxiety.

I committed to this same thing back two and a half years ago. Cody and I both started the fall with great intentions. We went to a gym, I got a personal trainer, and we managed to drag our butts out of bed a few days a week in the cold MN winter.

The struggles of the gym

The gym, including my personal trainer, was an okay environment for me, but it wasn’t the best financially or the best use of my time. I would be there for an hour and only get half a workout in. I wasted time trying to figure out WHAT to do, and I waited for people to be done with the equipment I needed!

For nine months I stuck it out, but then I was SO OVER IT. It was hard to have the energy to go in the morning or after teaching. So, I started looking for other options.

A different option

At-home workouts came into my life right as my personal training was wrapping up. They are the ONLY reason I’ve been able to stay more consistent this year. I’ve found that I need a balance between Pinterest workouts and a full gym. I love the weightlifting I can do at the gym AND the access to the personal trainers. However, working out at home means I’m on my OWN time, and not in someone else’s sweat!

Now, I don’t think working out at home is for everyone. It’s all about finding what works for you.

Some questions to ask yourself:

  1. What types of exercise do you enjoy the most?
  2. Are you uncomfortable working out around others or encouraged by the competition?

For me, the at-home workouts I found were a perfect fit because:

  1. I am not motivated to leave my house, especially in the cold winter!
  2. I need help knowing WHAT to do, but personal trainers are SPENDY.
  3. The online workouts I use are led by personal trainers that give cues for form, so I still get the help I need.
  4. I don’t need a lot of space or equipment (for example running is the literal worst to me)

What REALLY made the decision for us though was cost. When I saw that I could workout for an entire YEAR at home for less than the cost of ONE MONTH at our gym, it was a no-brainer to try!

Costs of working out at home vs at a gym! For us, it saved more than $2,300 a year!

We’d love to know where you like to workout! Do you have any experience with a personal trainer? We’d love to hear your thoughts! Send us your questions or comments!

What high school me didn’t know about money and life

Dear high school Cody,

While it might not seem super exciting, your new job at Wendy’s is actually a great opportunity for so many reasons. The money you make, even though it’s just minimum wage, will be nice for starters. You’ll learn valuable life skills (believe it or not), and learn to work hard and have fun at the same time. You’ll get invaluable practice with Spanish that will serve you well in the future. But there are some things you might not understand yet, and you’ll just have to trust me.

Look at that… strapping young lad. He looks excited to start his first job!

Start saving for college now.

Cody in the fjords of Norway!

Yes, your parents have been kind enough to save some money up for your education, and that will be a huge help. And yes, you can get scholarships too. But college is expensive – and you’ll pick an EXPENSIVE school. Start saving now so you can stay out of debt and work your way through school with the same excitement you have now! Plus, you’re going to want to travel, and that costs extra! Save now, and pay for it all with cash.

Right now, your expenses are low – gas, entertainment, and that’s about it. Take advantage of this time and use the extra money you’ll earn to save. Especially over the summer – those 40 hour work weeks add up to a good chunk of change! Don’t blow it on Chipotle trips or fancy dinners with your girlfriend. It’s not worth the hassle, just trust me!

Learn to budget.

I know, you’re a math nerd and you like to save money. But the skill of budgeting and living by that budget is so invaluable. Take the time now to get used to budgeting expenses ahead of time, and spending within the limits you decide! It’s a discipline that will serve you so well, especially as you get older and are responsible for all the expenses in your life.

Keep up your work ethic.

One of Cody’s many college jobs – running tech for the theatre!

You are a hard worker, and you enjoy learning new things. Keep growing and working hard, because it’s going to set you up for bigger and better things in the future. Don’t forget to have fun and enjoy the journey as well, of course. The work and saving you do now is just the beginning, and remember that the end will be worth the wait too! Save up and be thoughtful with your time and money, and don’t get too caught up in the little distractions.

Just trust God.

Sometimes, you get a little too focused on what you want for yourself. You aren’t really a planner, but once you have something in your sights, you really work towards it. This is a great skill for sure, but can also make life and faith harder. Take a step back from YOUR plans and listen to God. Spend time talking to him and working on your relationship with him, and use that to guide your life. It will be so much smoother if you just trust His plan now!

My First Job – Things I would tell high-school Alyssa

Congratulations on your first job, high school Alyssa!

Getting a job is exciting! You’ll make some really incredible friends at Coldstone.  It’ll have its ups and downs like any job, but it will overall be a really fun job that you will look forward to.

Taxes – they’re a thing 

I want to tell you a few things. First of all, taxes are a thing. I know you think you’re making $8/hour, but it sure won’t feel like that when you see your first paycheck. It’s okay, just be warned!

You don’t need the stuff you think you need. 

I know you think you NEED to go out to eat with your friends and keep up with the Joneses, so to speak, but no one will judge you for not getting a huge meal and settling for a smaller plate or not going at all. Sure, you got a job so you could spend time with friends, but you can do that on a smaller scale. First Job

College is expensive.

You know this. People tell you all the time, but know that debt will be a struggle for you after college.  You’re going to pick a private college (WHY??).  Save some money from your first job.

The good news is that you get a husband out of the deal (and spoilers – it’s not the guy you think it will be). However, it’ll take some hard lessons and lots of time to pay off your debt.  It’ll put you behind in your goals for building a life together – skip the loans.

Savings sound boring but. . . 

I know the last thing you want to hear me say is that you should save.  But if you can get some compound interest working in your favor NOW. WOW. You’d be amazed if you knew how those summer nights at Coldstone would build up to be so much more. 

Live on less than you make

In a few years, you’ll think that this is one of the most basic principles of money.  You know those tips you make for singing cheesy songs? Try to live off of those and save your actual paycheck.  You’ll be so much better off that way!

Much Love,
Future You

ps. Spoilers. Time travel didn’t work, so you didn’t see this message til you were 26.  It was too late to make the most of your first job, but it’s not too late now. You’ve come so far and have big goals. God is so faithful in teaching you lessons on how HE wants you to use money. You’ll turn out alright, high school Alyssa. 

How to be a traveler not a tourist

Cody and I have been to a number of countries (23) between the two of us with the goal of always being a traveler not a tourist! We’ve traveled alone and in big groups – but one thing has stayed the same no matter where we travel. We are not tourists!

Our Adventure Wall - 1 photo for each country we've been to together!
Our Adventure Wall – One photo for each country we’ve been to together!

What does that mean exactly, you might ask? Here are things that we keep in mind while planning, preparing, and enjoying a trip!

Go in with a plan

If you are wandering around with your face buried in a map, you’re going to stick out like a sore thumb. If you know where you want to go and what you want to do, you can go into your travels with confidence! Plan out your stops beforehand and take a look at maps and directions ahead of time.

At on of Cody’s home-stays in Germany, they spent the afternoon talking and walking around the local park

That being said – don’t be afraid to be a little spontaneous. Some of our greatest travel moments have been moments that happened out of the blue. These moments, usually at places the locals choose to be, are so much fun.

Know the culture and get to know the culture

Go in knowing what to expect. Will the people around you be speaking the same language as you? Do the women all wear skirts? Is it disrespectful to No matter where you go, it’s a safe bet that the locals won’t be wearing passports around their necks!

When Alyssa traveled to Estonia, she was able to spend a day in a local elementary school! It was a great way to get to know the culture!

While you’re there, get the most out of your travel experiences by immersing yourself in the culture. It can be cool to see the touristy places, but spend a minute at those places and head a little off the beaten path!

Be a normal human

The main point here has to do with language barriers. When you are speaking, don’t speak louder to try and be heard or understood. This one probably sounds a little crazy, but we’ve run into it more than once. When we were in Costa Rica, we were up in the mountains in the rainforest. It was SO COOL, and the locals spoke Spanish! Another traveler in the same lodge wanted cookies and kept asking in English. When they didn’t understand he just KEPT ASKING getting LOUDER and SLOWWWWER every time. Everyone was so uncomfortable! You’re much better off asking if someone else could translate for you.

Taking a guided tour of Volcan Tenorio in Costa Rica with a local from our lodge

Bonus to being a traveler not a tourist

When you travel like a local, you often save money! Places that are often visited by tourists are often much higher in price. Being willing to try local places and diving into the culture a little can save you money in your travels!

So, how do you plan a trip though?

Our basic, bare-bones strategy for being a traveler not a tourist boils down to this*:
1) Go to a new place.
2) Quickly check out the touristy stuff.
3) Find where the locals prefer to spend time.

*Except at Disney. At Disney, all bets are off and we will immerse ourselves in all things touristy. But really, Disney is its own little world, and the culture is touristy.

Top reasons why shopping at ALDI is the best

When we first took a look at our budget a few years ago, we realized we had no idea what we were spending on food (and that we weren’t eating that healthy), so we started shopping at ALDI. We had heard ALDI had better prices, but we had no idea how many benefits we would find when shopping at ALDI!

Shopping at ALDI for Health

-Cheaper fresh produce

One of the keys to eating healthier is eating more fresh foods, but purchasing fresh fruits and vegetables can add up. ALDI produce is delivered fresh multiple times a week. Plus, it is typically cheaper than other grocery stores!

-Fewer distractions help us stay on track with our our goals

ALDI grocery stores are smaller and only about 10% of what they carry is name brand. This means we can stay focused on what we need and don’t get distracted by other options that aren’t helping us towards our goals. Plus, less distractions means less impulse buying, so our budget stays on track too!

-Many options including vegetarian, gluten-free

No matter what your health goals and needs are, ALDI has many amazing options. They have a fabulous selection of vegetarian options and gluten-free options. Not to mention their other awesome lines, like the “Never Any” meats that are from antibiotic-free, vegetarian-fed animals. All of ALDI’s brands are truly high quality but at a fraction of the cost of other stores in our area, which makes eating healthier that much easier.

Shopping at ALDI for they way they do things

-Amazing return policy

Have you ever bought a bag of produce only to get home and realize that there’s a bunch of mold? Or buy a bag of flour only to find the rip in the bag as you put it in the pantry? These things happen, but ALDI’s return policy is amazing. They call it the “Twice as Nice guarantee” because they replace the item AND refund you as well!

All this will last us a week+ and was under $40!

-The way they run their store make it less expensive for us

ALDI doesn’t stock shelves as nicely as other places. They bring boxes straight out of the warehouse. It’s not as pretty, but it is more efficient. And it means they don’t have to pay stockers to keep the shelves looking picturesque.

-Fast and efficient

Along those lines, employees at ALDI share tasks and are very fast-paced! They have everything set up to be as efficient as possible – even putting big bar codes on everything so they don’t waste time trying to find the bar code!

Give ALDI a try!

Replacing even a few of your regular grocery items with the ALDI equivalents could save you tons of money each week! Give it a try, and see why we’ve made this our first and main stop each week for groceries. And remember to bring a quarter (for the cart deposit) and some reusable shopping bags to make your trip a breeze!

How to have a Personalized Wedding on a Budget

From day one of our engagement, Cody and I agreed that a wedding is a truly special day – but it is just ONE day. With that in mind, it was easier to set some guidelines that gave us a personalized wedding on a budget.

Our top three priorities when we were planning our wedding were:

1) A wedding is only a day – a special day, but ONE DAY. 
2) We wanted it to be a reflection of us and our personalities.
3) We for sure were not going to spend the outrageous amounts of money we saw as the “average’ for wedding costs.

Compromising on location

The first way we saved money for our wedding on a budget was by compromising on a few things. For example, we really wanted an outdoor reception, but when it came down to it, we weren’t willing to risk the stress of worrying about temps and weather to go for it. (. . .that and all the outdoor places were already rented out on the day we wanted to get married.) The compromise was that we brought the outdoors in by renting a large open space and bringing in fun yard games like this giant jenga!

The Dress

Another way we were able to stick to a wedding budget was by shopping around for a dress!

My girlfriends helped me do some research on dresses and local boutiques to know where I could look for the best deals.

I was able to snag this beauty at a fraction of the cost because it was the last one of that style! And budget-saving bonus tip: we didn’t require a specific dress for the bridesmaids. Instead, they were able to buy their own dress in our wedding colors, in a style they will actually wear again!

I LOVED my dress, and looking back, I’m also glad that I didn’t spend a total fortune on it!

Dessert options

We found out that in some cases, cupcakes are a lot cheaper than cakes! PLUS they are already cut and ready to serve!

My amazing bakery-momma from Wartburg made this for us. She gave us a great deal that helped us keep in line with our wedding on a budget. They were INCREDIBLE and matched our wedding colors perfectly!



I don’t like flowers.

They’re pretty and all, but I’m just a plant murderer, and they sometimes make me a little sniffly.

The mere THOUGHT of picking flowers for our wedding stressed me out, so we went with fake flowers in cute mason jars (I know, I know, but it was toward the beginning of the mason jar craze so it wasn’t totally overdone yet ????). It took the stress out, made it so we could have the flowers ready to go weeks ahead of time, and saved us money!

Timing and Food!

I’m the worst at staying up late. Like, if I could go to bed at 8:30 every night, I probably would. So when it came to planning our wedding, we had an early afternoon wedding! It was perfect timing for me to stay a functioning human the whole reception, but made the timing weird for meals.

That was just one of the million things we considered when picking our meal for our reception: 
1) We wanted it to feel like a picnic since we were bringing the outdoors in.
2) I’m not really a fan of fancy sit down meals. They are fun sometimes, but I’m just not a formal person! 
3) We love Mexican food. Like…a lot. 
4) We wanted to thank our guests for celebrating with us!

After much consideration, we went with a big nacho bar! We made all the food ourselves, with the help of our family and wedding party (including our homemade salsa!).

There was something really special about spending time perfecting our salsa recipe and preparing it ahead of time to feed the people who came to celebrate us!

We were also blessed to have members of the church choir I directed step in and help keep the buffet line running.

It was laid back, fun, and perfectly US!

More thoughts on our wedding on a budget

Some other special touches that were unique to us:

Cody’s brother made us a logo for our wedding (does it look familiar? we still use it!)

-We set out coloring books (including personalized ones we made ourselves) at the reception

-Our table numbers included pictures of us at that age! So for table five, there was a picture of me as a five year old and a picture of Cody as a five year old!

-We lucked out by having dear friends with the skills and equipment to DJ our wedding. It saved us money AND gave us the ability to create our own playlists for the reception!

PS. One thing we did NOT compromise on was photos. The photos will last forever and we wanted them to capture US perfectly. One:One photography is one investment we don’t regret!

When I Pray For You

These four kids have my heart.  We’re not related, but I consider them family.

We took a five day babysitting gig 18 months ago. It turned out to be so much more. went from total strangers to literally talking about and praying for these four every day (and missing them like crazy).

When I Pray For You Book Launch

I love children’s books, so I jumped at the chance to be on the launch team for this book. As a former preschool librarian, I knew I had to jump at the chance. I’m excited to announce that Matthew Paul Turner’s newest children’s book “When I pray for you” has arrived! I was already familiar with his bestseller When God Made You. It tugs at your heart strings in all the right ways, and I knew this book would be even better.

From the first page, I could feel a lump in my throat as I thought about those precious kiddos I love so dearly.  How I pray that they would stop growing so darn fast, but mostly that they would love Jesus. I pray that they would not throw yet another tantrum when I watch them so I don’t lose my mind, but more that they would be loving to everyone they meet.

The lump in my throat grew as I flipped through this book (which, by the way, has INCREDIBLE illustrations that are so diverse and inclusive!), and read the words I think every time I see these kiddos:

“Cause when I pray for you, I imagine God’s view. And pray all that God sees comes alive inside you”

When I Pray For You

Do you remember “Love you forever” by Robert Munsch?  It has that kind of tenderness, but with the addition of prayer and God’s love. I think that is what transforms this book from simply a whimsical tale of growing up. Instead, it is a deeply moving narrative of a praying for a child as they grow into who God created them to be.

When We Pray for Them

Those four littles up there? I’ve babysat a lot of kids in my lifetime, but this was something different.  My love for them runs so deeply.  Cody has told me that he never understood how it was possible to love an adopted child as much as you love a biological child, but when he met these four, he finally began to understand.

We know the love we have for this family, and it’s humbling to think about how much more our Heavenly Father loves not only them, but me. These kids have given me the closest example of God’s love for me that I have ever experienced.

My deepest hope is that they can know how greatly loved they are and that they would reflect that love to others.

When I Pray For You

This book is a must-read for families with young children (or for anyone with kiddos in their lives that they love). You can pre-order it at, where you can also get his book “When God Made Light” for free!  I honestly can’t recommend this book enough!