Feeding the Hungry for St. Patrick’s Day – One Beer at a Time

Like many people, St Patrick’s Day makes me think of beer and leprechauns. However, the beer that comes to mind the past couple of years isn’t green, but has a unique story and mission. And for those of you who have been around here a while, you know that helping others is a real motivator for Alyssa and me!

How I learned about Finnegan’s

Just two of my options found at Total Wine & More in Woodbury!

A few years back, I was working out of a shared office space in Lowertown, St Paul. A group of us headed up the block on St Patrick’s Day to take in the parade, which is a huge deal in St Paul. As the parade was going by, there was also a truck parked on the street that was attracting a lot of attention. It was the Finnegan’s reverse food truck!

Instead of serving food, this truck was accepting donations of non-perishables, or monetary donations that would go to a local food shelf in order to purchase local, fresh produce. And to top it all off, the company that was out accepting donations was a brewing company! What?!? One of the guys I was with had actually purchased a bunch of their beer for back at the office that afternoon as well, too! I wouldn’t call myself an expert on beer, but I am a bit picky and won’t really drink a beer that isn’t really good. Finnegan’s did NOT disappoint!

It’s just beer, right?

Right on the can – “100% of Finnegan’s SBC profits go to feeding the hungry.” Right here in the midwest!

Wrong! I’ve been so intrigued and surprised by Finnegan’s that I’ve had to keep up with them as they’ve grown over the past few years. When I first learned about them, they pretty much brewed one beer. They brewed in a space provided by a different company, which cut their costs. All the proceeds from the beer sales went to help local food shelves. Pretty neat!

They’ve since expanded in a huge way! Finnegan’s Brew Co. has their own space, a whole host of beers on tap and in stores around the metro, and events all the time. They are working hard to connect good people with good beer, and giving the proceeds to those who need it right here in our communities!

Basically, Finnegan’s donates 100% of its profits to local charities. We buy beer, they give all the profits back to local charities. Does it get any better than that? If you’re interested in the details like I am, check it out for yourself!

Whether you’re in the twin cities or not, I would encourage you to think of St Paddy’s day in a new way. Find a way to give back in your community, and help those who need it most.

You left teaching, so what do you DO?

Ever since I left my teaching job, I get lots of incredulous “So, what do you DO now?” questions. The short answer is that I work as a virtual assistant for a top fitness coach. For some people, that’s enough, but for others this still seems made up. So, I thought I would walk you through what has sort of been my typical day (though, I may mix it up this year).

My Morning

6:00 Workout

6:45 Drink water and begin my virtual assistant work.  I start with daily tasks like checking orders that came in and creating my to do list for the day.

8:00 Break to shower and make breakfast

8:30 Back at it! This is when I start any bigger projects for the day. Sometimes, I’m following up with people who have asked for more information about a bootcamp. Other times I’m creating graphics to recognize the hard work people on the team have put in!

10:00 Meet with my boss. She lives in Florida, so we meet on Zoom (which is basically skype).

Meeting with her virtual assistant – me!

10:15 Break! I’ve worked for about 3 hours at this point, so I take a break to focus on something else. This might be my devotion time, time to update the blog, or a chance to get some household chores done. I usually grab lunch before diving back into work as well.

11:30 By this point, I am usually back at it! During my meeting, I will usually get assigned another project such as ordering prizes for people who accomplished some awesome goals, or proofreading and scheduling content to be shared in team pages or bootcamps.

My afternoon

I usually alternate working for 45 minutes, followed by a 15 minute break.  During these little breaks, I make a point to get up and stretch. I also read, catch up on my own personal emails, or whatever else! During my work times, I make sure everything is caught up including emails and messages and usually check in with my boss at least once to see if there is anything else she needs my help with for the day.  

2:30-3:30 I have worked my 5-6 hours for the day, and I wrap up!  

My time after work is spent finishing housework, reading, writing, catching up on my favorite shows, and maybe even taking a nap! Sometimes, it feels weird to take this time, but I’m enjoying it while I have the opportunity!

I am so thankful for this job. I love having the flexibility to set my hours.  As long as my work gets done, I can really work when I want. Being able to sub occasionally or volunteer at church during the day fills my bucket.  

But don’t you miss teaching?

I miss my coworkers and my amazing students almost every day. Teaching is a gift of mine, but as an introvert, it was so incredibly draining.  I had nothing left to give Cody or my friends at the end of the school day. Now that I’m a virtual assistant, I’m able to have energy to be a good wife and friend more than on summer vacation! I still teach when I sub, at Financial Peace University, and on the weekends at church!

What is your actual job title?

Amber’s assistant.  Other relevant titles include virtual assistant, executive assistant, online secretary, social media manager, and so forth. I really tried to get Chaos Coordinator as an official title, but it never really took off!

Are you also coaching?

Yes and no. Cody and I addressed that here.  We are not actively pursuing coaching as a stream of income, but we do lead coaching groups because it was so hard for me to have the motivation and accountability in the same groups that were my job all day long. If you are interested in joining a group for fitness and/or nutrition, feel free to comment below! We’d love to walk through this together!

Your boss lives in Florida now! Isn’t that hard?

It’s hard because she gets to see the sun year round and I’m jealous….It’s also hard because their family has become family to us and we miss the crap out of them.  As far as work goes, it’s not too bad. We text, email, and talk “face to face” every day. 90% of what I had been doing when she lived here was online, so I can continue doing that. The other 10%, she and her husband have had to take over, but it works just fine!

Are you moving to Florida too?

Not right now. We went to Florida to visit them, half-expecting God to give us a little nudge that Florida would be a good move for us too. I have a list of reasons I would LOVE to live in Florida, but God has made it pretty clear that Florida isn’t the place for us right now.

All that to say, YES I enjoy my job. YES, it is possible to work from home, and YES, I am eternally grateful to my dear friends who took a chance on me and have allowed me to work for them for the last year.

Top 10 Memories of 2018

2018 was a crazy but fun year here at the Osegard house. As we are ramping up for 2019 and the big things we have planned, we wanted to take a moment to look back at the highlights. Here are the top moments for The Osegards from the previous year!

10 – Shrek the Musical production team

A last minute addition, we were thrilled to be a part of this amazing show at New Life Academy! Plus, being able to setup and run a bunch of theatre tech again was a blast for Cody especially.

9 – Leadership Class

Both of us are honored to be a part of this amazing training program that our church invited us to this year. We’ve had trainings, shadowed pastors and staff, read books and listened to podcasts, with more to come the beginning of this year too.

8 – Coordinating Financial Peace University

Our second time as coordinators and 4th time as group leaders, we just love being able to share with others and hear their stories!

7 – Alyssa’s last Grandparent’s Day programs

They sure are cute, and it’s impressive how well her littles did, but these were a TON of work. Now that Alyssa is done teaching, her time outside of work is freed up so much more!

6 – Momentum training

Back in September, some of the Ramsey Solutions team was up here putting on trainings and meeting with staff at EBC. We were able to meet Anthony O’Neal, attend a great training, and see friends we met while down in Nashville the month before!

5 – The Grand Canyon

This one has been on the list for a while, and we finally made it happen! It was a whirlwind 30-ish hour trip, with a lot of driving, but the views were worth it. We will definitely be back to see even more in the future!

4 – SassyCon 2018

This was by far the BEST convention/training either of us have ever been to. We learned so much relevant, implementable stuff for so many facets of our business and life. The speakers and organizers were top-notch, and the people we met were such genuine, kind, and passionate people. Another great reason to go back to AZ next year!

3 – Florida

Now that our good friends are down in FL, why not escape the cold for a week and spend some quality time with them? We had a blast swimming, playing with the kiddos, eating delicious food (so many great tacos…), and just catching up with our friends!

2 – Nashville and Franklin

Another one off our short-list, we’ve finally made a trip out to Tennessee! We loved the low-key places we found, like Belcourt Taps, with a comfortable vibe and amazing music. And again, TONS of good tacos!

1 – Debt Free!

2018 was the year we became 100% debt free! We are so excited to see what God has planned for us. We love the freedom to decide what to do with our money, instead of being tied to monthly payments and high interest rates. If you haven’t already seen it, check out our Debt Free Scream on the Dave Ramsey show down in Nashville!

Alternatives to Valentine’s Day

One of my all time favorite guilty pleasure movies is Valentine’s Day.  It’s got a star-studded cast that tells a million different overlapping storylines about different people celebrating Valentine’s Day.  As you can predict, things go awry for almost everyone between miscommunications, embarrassing moments, and heartbreak. Spoiler alert (although it’s been eight years), it turns out well for just about everyone in the end.   

It gets me thinking though – we put SO MUCH pressure on this day sometimes.  Anything we put that much pressure on is destined to not live up to the expectations we’ve built up in our head. That’s why Cody and I have said goodbye to Valentine’s day.

Here are some ideas of what to do instead of the stereotypical Valentine’s Day that will share the love with others!

Tip Higher Than Normal

It’s a well-known fact that servers are underpaid. Find a restaurant that might not be the typical Valentine’s date location, and make someone’s day! Double your tip, or if you can afford it, tip 100% or above!

Go Serve

Find a place you can volunteer for a few hours. It might be at a local school during an event, or at a place like Feed My Starving Children. Whether your impact is felt directly on Valentine’s day or later, showing love to others on this holiday will make a difference in someone’s lives!

Cook a meal for a family

Heart-shaped potatoes
Cheesecake-filled Chocolate-dipped Strawberries

Cody and I have done this one a few times and it is SO much fun. It ends up being a double date and we get to celebrate our friendship with another couple. This is a great option that is more inexpensive or great for a family who can’t leave little ones with a babysitter for whatever reason.

Watch someone’s kids (for free)

This one is one of our favorites when we get a chance. Perhaps you can watch the kids of someone who is struggling financially and might not be able to afford a babysitter and a night out. Maybe you just want to surprise a friend with a free night of babysitting. I have yet to meet a parent who doesn’t enjoy free babysitting!

What is your plan for the 14th this year? We’d love to hear from you!

Overcoming the fear of a big church

When Cody and I got married and moved to Minnesota, we knew that finding a church would be a top priority.  We tried many different churches, but only found one we liked.

Our “perfect” church

I have so many mixed feeling on this.  On one hand, there is no perfect church.  We had our priorities though – they needed to be close enough for us to drive every week, be a place that we could bring friends without them feeling scared off, and we needed to feel encouraged and pushed.

1 Thessalonians 5:11

Personally, I had one other key factor in determining our church home. The church had to be small.  I grew up in a small church and loved that I knew everyone.  In college, I was the choir director at an even smaller church that welcomed me with open arms and showed me such love and hospitality.  I wanted to feel connected, and I was certain that feeling wouldn’t happen at a larger church.

Church shopping is hard!

We were feeling defeated.  We hadn’t found a church that felt right, and it had been a few months.  Some coworkers of mine suggested a church that was meeting at the local high school.  At first that sounded great.  If they meet at a high school they must be small, right? Turns out, it was one of five campuses for a much larger church. In fact, it’s one of the largest churches in the country. 

I laughed. Like, I’m pretty sure I legitimately laughed out loud. There was NO WAY I would go to a church like that. I refused to be at a church where I would be a number instead of a name, but we didn’t have any other ideas to try, so I agreed to go for a week. I had so many different emotions and experiences:

  1. It was overwhelming and confusing being in a school.
  2. We were greeted by dozens of people from the parking lot all the way to our seats.
  3. The music was amazing!
  4. I was so distracted by the message being streamed, instead of live, that I couldn’t focus.
  5. They announced that their permanent location was opening the next weekend!

It didn’t feel like a fair shot to give up after one week right before they opened their own building, so I agreed to go again the next week.  Long story short, that was four years ago.

Big yet small

When we went back for the second time, it was so much easier to focus on the message.  I realized that the high school just wasn’t equipped for streaming the same way the campus building was. Being at the campus, I forgot within minutes that the teaching pastor wasn’t actually there standing on the stage!

The facility was spotless and huge, and yet felt cozy and friendly at the same time. I couldn’t explain it. Even though we didn’t know ANYONE, we were welcomed with open arms.

After about a month, when we were still there “giving it a try” I realized that I liked it and Cody really liked it. That’s when I told him unless we could actually get to know people I was OUT. No more being a number – even if being a number at Eagle Brook Church really felt more personal than that.

Getting connected

We decided to volunteer. Cody chose tech and I chose to snuggle toddlers.  Honestly – we didn’t love it right away! The first month or two was super uncomfortable. Suddenly we had responsibilities at a place we barely knew with people we barely knew.  It wasn’t “fun”, but we also knew it’s what God was leading us to do. Not just to help others, but to get ourselves plugged in and connected to this new church we wanted to call home.

That all changed after just a few months. By volunteering consistently, we were working with the same people month after month.  I started to look forward to seeing the volunteer team leaders and the kids’ pastors who I was getting to know.

Since then we’ve been in a handful of small groups, switched volunteering roles (Cody is a tech lead and I teach preschool), and have transitioned into leaders in the annual Financial Peace University class! Through these things, we know basically all of the staff at our campus (and beyond), and we have friends. We know others and we feel known.

If you haven’t tried a big church, don’t write it off too quickly.  Give it time and get involved. When you allow yourself to get connected in community, you will find that even a big church can have a family feel!

ps. If you are in the Twin Cities area and want to try our church with us, we would LOVE to go with you and show you around!

Preparing for a Move (Without completely losing your mind)

Cody and I have done a combined six moves in just over three years.  We’ve been married four years and lived three different cities. Our record is not great for being content where we are, which is why we signed a nice, long lease on our current place. Oops. All that to say, we are darn good at organizing for a move.

What we used


If you’ve been around me (Alyssa) any length of time, you know that spreadsheets are my friend.  It should come as no surprise that I made spreadsheets for the move.

Sticky Notes

Sticky notes come in a million colors and are just the right size for writing the contents of the box.  I’m not an advocate for writing EVERY SINGLE THING that goes into the box, but enough to give you a good idea.  Again, the goal is to NOT completely lose your mind!  “Kitchen” is too vague, but “6 blue plates, one corkscrew, that whisk that no one likes, and 3 wine glasses” is too specific.  Using sticky notes helps you pack smart AND be able to unpack smart.  “Dinner plates and kitchen tools” is clear enough!

Why sticky notes instead of just writing it on the box you ask? Well…I’m a fan of. . .

Color coding boxes

It sounds like a pain, but I promise you that on move-in day it will make everything so much easier.  That’s where the different colored sticky notes come in to play!  The key that most people forget is that you want to label it based on your NEW house, not your current house.  When you pack up the office/guest room now (and label it as such) it is no help to you when at the new place the office and guest room are two separate places!   It does take a little extra time up front to do this, but when your friends are helping you unload boxes and no one has to ask “where does this one go?” or open the box to find out what’s inside, it’s a HUGE time saver!

Lots of Tape

However much tape you think you need to pack up your boxes – double it. Or triple it. Whatever.  The fact is with every move we never buy enough tape and it slows down the process!  For packing tape, the one with the fancy dispenser is 100% worth the investment. We also found that having some masking tape on hand to keep the sticky notes in place throughout the move was essential! 


Boxes can be expensive!  Some places have buy-back programs for boxes you don’t use, but even so, I struggle to pay a high price for a bunch of cardboard!  To avoid the extra costs, I check local listings on Facebook and Craigslist for boxes.  Often times you can get boxes for cheap (or even free!) that have only been used once! Another place to check for boxes are local liquor stores.  Again, you can get boxes, often for free, that are heavy duty!  We LOVE these boxes for our cups, bottles, and even toiletries. You can also cut down on the boxes that you need by packing into things you already own such as suitcases, backpacks, coolers, and any other bins you have laying around.


Now you have your supplies, it’s time to pack –

First things first

The first things to pack are things that don’t need to get used before the move. Typically, the most popular season in real estate is summer! Based on that, you can probably pack up your holiday decorations, winter clothing, and any other winter items you have.

Next up

The next thing you will want to do is go through your house and PURGE.  It’s time to sell stuff and give stuff away.  My general rule of thumb is that if it is not sentimental and hasn’t been used in the last six months (excluding seasonal items that are only used once annually), it’s time to say goodbye.

Everything else

It’s time to pack everything else, remembering to pack based on where you want it in the new house!  Pack from least used to most used items to keep things that you need accessible. Depending on what vehicles you are using to move, you may even want to set the most essential things in a different area. If you have movers coming, have these essentials loaded last if possible, so they are the first thing off the truck. If you’re using your own vehicles, pack these in the car you plan to drive to the new place first!

Sign up for our newsletter to get a FREE checklist for packing (including the necessities you haven’t thought of for your first day in the new place)! Coming soon! Sign up now, Checklist coming this weekend! 

Our Debt Free Scream!

It’s finally happened – we took our trip to Nashville and were able to do our Debt Free Scream live on The Dave Ramsey Show! We have been looking forward to that chance since we first heard about Dave and the Financial Peace University course. We knew it was a long-shot to actually get on the show, but we are SO excited that we were given the chance. Here’s a little look at what the day was like for us!

Ramsey Solutions

Walking into Financial Peace Plaza is such a cool experience. Right in the front doors, you can see into the studio where Dave records and films for his shows. The wall is covered with hand-written notes from past guests who have paid off their debts. We were greeted and welcomed in true Tennessee fashion, “Y’all”s and everything! We got checked in, snagged some complimentary lattes and cookies at the cafe… Sidenote- if you want to become the Osegard’s new best friends: coffee is the answer. We were there nice and early, so we had plenty of time to chat with our wrangler, Kat, and the video host George Kamel. Everyone we talked to was so kind, caring, funny, and so genuinely excited for us to be there! They made us feel like the celebrities.

Show Time!

When it was almost time for us to join Dave on the air, Kat got us our headset and we were officially tethered to the wall. Like a well-oiled machine, they clear the furniture in the lobby to the sides, and gather all of the visitors towards the entrance. They have a camera on the visitors, and this gives us a clear line-of-sight to Dave in his chair in the studio. We have a sound check with Kelly, and give a wave to the camera to set up the shot. And we were LIVE!

As soon as we start talking with Dave, any nerves we had just kind of disappeared. There’s just something about him that calms you down, I don’t know how else to explain it. He asks a few questions, we tell our story, and before you know it almost 8 minutes have passed. He starts to set up for our scream, and I’m getting excited. Alyssa grabs my hand, so I know she’s ready to YELL! “Count it down, let’s hear a Debt Free Scream!”

We’re Debt Free!

“3,2,1… WE’RE DEBT FREE!!!” We scream it out and the lobby fills with our yell, clapping, and music. What a surreal experience! I just kept grinning like a fool, and leaned down to give Alyssa a nice, awkward don’t-smack-the-microphone-on-your-face hug. We did it – we were out of debt, we made our trip out to Nashville, and we yelled at Dave Ramsey. I’d call that a successful trip!

We couldn’t be more happy for so many reasons. The people we met at Ramsey Solutions were all so incredible, and we can’t wait to work with many of them again! Alyssa and I have led Financial Peace classes 4 times already, and we have no plans to stop. It has given us so much in such a short time, and we want other people to see the same success with money. What would our world be like if even half of us were debt free and able to GIVE without concern for our families or futures? We want to see a world like that!

ps. You can check out our Debt Free Scream on Youtube!

Top 5 Reasons We Love Wartburg College

Wartburg College Campus

Wartburg’s campus is beautiful year-round. But don’t worry: we love our skywalks in the winter!

For those of you who may not have heard, Alyssa and I met during our college years at Wartburg College. But for us, Wartburg is not just our alma mater – it was our home for four years! But what makes Wartburg the Finest in the East or West? Let’s count it down…

#5 – Location

Giant Mug

Added bonus- the Nestle plant makes the whole town smell like cocoa in the winter!

Wartburg is smack dab in the middle of the small, yet large enough, town of Waverly Iowa. With around 10,000 people, it felt small at first for a Twin Cities suburbanite like me (Cody), but it quickly grew on me. Located on the Cedar River, Waverly has some amazing parks, bike trails, and more. But, they still have enough shopping, restaurants, and things to do to keep two college kids like us occupied! For me, it was 3 hours from the Twin Cities (although my parents moved an extra 2.5 hours away when I left for college, more on that later). For Alyssa, it was about 1:20 to her hometown. And more importantly: only 20 minutes to a Target!

#4 – Academics

This may seem like a lame thing to include in a list like this, but hear me out. Wartburg isn’t like a lot of other schools of its size for a number of academic reasons. For me, I was drawn to a combination of courses that would let me explore and choose a major over my first year or two. I didn’t know which of my many-varied interests would become a career path. With a liberal arts college, the path to your individual major will look different for every student, and the electives you choose can be much more unique than at a typical state school. Wartburg’s course layout in 4-4-1 format (four classes each semester, then one May term class) gave me flexibility to try things out.

The quality of their academics in also impressive! For instance, Wartburg consistently has placement rates into med schools and graduate programs of between 90% and 100%!

#3 – Service

Atlanta Service Trip

Our Wartburg service trip to downtown Atlanta.

For us, this has been a big part of shaping who we are and how we serve today. There are not just opportunities to get involved and serve others, which many schools have. Wartburg fosters a community that is focused on serving others first in a way I haven’t seen anywhere else. It’s ingrained into how the college was built, the courses, the faculty, the mission statement, and so much more. Wartburg focuses on building servant leaders, and I am so grateful for the passion and dedication to that mission that I saw. From service trips to Dance Marathon, training service dogs for veterans or singing Christmas carols at the nursing home. So many memories that are not only happy, but actually fuel who I am becoming as a person.

#2 – Travel

Spoiler alert – the Osegards LOVE to travel. Both Alyssa and I had so many different and unique chances to travel in college, and to not be touristy. That’s the best part about travelling in my opinion. We both toured regionally each year for choirs, and internationally (two times a piece!). Plus, more than half that time we were staying with local families in their home, as opposed to just bouncing from hotel to hotel. I spent a month abroad in Costa Rica, worked at an immigrant service center in Denver, CO for a month, and spent a week serving in Atlanta. All told, Alyssa and I spent time (separately or together) in: Germany, France, Austria, Italy, Switzerland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Hungary, Turkey, Estonia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Costa Rica, plus Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Nebraska, Colorado, Georgia, Louisiana, Tennessee. Pretty darn good for four years, if I do say so myself!

#1 – People

By far, this was the best part about college for Alyssa and I. Cliché, I know. But stick with me here! I for one am terrible at keeping in touch with people. I fail to reach out to people, and time and distance make the relationship a little bit weaker. But every time we are with friends, acquaintances, professors, faculty or staff, there is just a sense of closeness. Even if I haven’t talked to them for 6 years, we can pick up right where we left off. Plus, I did get a pretty darn amazing wife out of my time there… If that doesn’t say something about the quality of the people and relationships fostered there, I don’t know what does!!Our Wartburg Wedding Party

My Career Story – Part 4

If you haven’t caught up yet – check out part 1, part 2, and part 3!

The Story Continues

Amber did offer me the position as her Executive Assistant!  It was a little tricky to work out – I would be in school for the mornings/early afternoon and then come spend four or so hours working with her.  It made for very busy weeks, but it was worth it.

I fell even more in love with the new job – the team, the culture, the positive attitudes of everyone there.  I also loved what I got to do on a daily basis – day to day organization, helping with emails, social media management. It let me use skills that I didn’t use as much in my teaching job, and I loved having a different outlet.

The biggest bonus in my mind was that it didn’t drain me in the way teaching did!  I LOVE teaching, but as an introvert, it can be exhausting. I loved working for four hours and not feeling the least bit tired from working!  It was amazing!

Now to Decide…

That left me with a difficult decision – pursue my new gig full-time, or stick with teaching.   I loved being at the school I was at, and could picture myself there until I retired, but I also saw potential in this new opportunity. I talked it over with some of the most trusted people in my life and prayed constantly over what the best decision would be.

In the end, I announced to my coworkers that I would not be returning to teach in the 2018-2019 school year. It was so tough to leave the community! These were the people who had been my closest friends as a transitioned from Iowa to Minnesota, from college to the real world, and from single life to married life.  However, I knew God was leading me to take a risk and try this new path.

Looking Forward

I know that working from home is going to be so great for me.  I know my mental health will be better (and likely my physical health as well – thanks to those germy preschoolers! 🙂 ). This job offers different opportunities than teaching offered me.

I know you may be thinking, “but Alyssa! You told us that teaching is in your blood!”. And it is.  I’m not leaving all aspects of teaching. I will still be subbing on occasion, and I still get to teach at church as well!

I am so excited for this new job and I can’t wait to let you know how life changes from here!

Join the journey here!

My Career Story Part 3

We left off in Part 2 talking mostly about LuLaRoe, but to understand what happens next, I need to tell you about my friend, Amber.

Amber is a blogger over at mommysmetime.com.  She’s got four kiddos (that she birthed in under three years. Is she insane or is she wonder woman? I would argue both).  I had taught three of her kids at school, but hadn’t really met her before. One day, Amber came over after picking up her kids from to school to shop my LuLaRoe. I loved watching her rock it as a momma of four tiny humans.  I could tell she was pretty much super-mom at this point. Even so, life with four kids five and under is a little crazy.

She seemed cool and her kids were precious, so I casually offered that if she needed any help during the summer, I’d be happy to bring coffee to the park to be extra hands. We parted ways after that, and I hoped that she would take me up on it, but also figured she probably wouldn’t.

Fast forward a few weeks.  

Cody and I were at a reception for a family wedding and I got a Facebook message from Amber.  I figured that maybe she needed to exchange a shirt or something, so I quick opened it to see what she needed.  You guys, it was like a novel. They were in a bind and their childcare for a trip that was two days away had essentially fallen through. She wondered if maybe we would watch their 4 kids for five days/four nights?  

Here’s where I say this was 100% a God thing.  First off, who asks two basically strangers to move into their house to watch their four kids for a week?  Secondly, who AGREES to move into a basically strangers house for a week to watch their four kids (and their dog)? HA! But Cody and I read the message and both of us just had a gut feeling that we NEEDED to say yes.

We went and watched the kids for a week (details on that another time!) and they quickly became our tiny besties.   

But it didn’t stop there. . .

A few weeks later, Amber asked if I was interested in potentially helping their family out some during the school year, because her business was blowing up!  I was looking for a little side hustle as we were working to get out of debt. Plus, I loved their family, so it was a perfect fit. I became their Family Assistant for a few months. It was the perfect introvert job after a busy day of teaching – doing laundry, dishes, and such in silence!

During this time, I also signed up as a coach on Amber’s health and fitness team – mostly for the discount, but also because I felt a draw to this community that she was building and the health results I was seeing.  I knew I needed to be a part of it somehow, but I also knew that with everything else in our life right then – I just wouldn’t feasibly be able to work that business to level I would want to.

Months later, Amber’s organization went through some transitions and she needed a little help.  I happened to be on winter break on the time, so I said I’d help her through the transition.

Enter God Again.

I fell in the love with this job immediately. It used so many of my teaching skills AND LuLaRoe skills. It gave me adult interaction but was also a super good introvert fit. I knew that she was hoping to fill the position ASAP, so I didn’t say anything to her about it. My teaching job was a priority through May! I told Cody that I was bummed, however, because it seemed like such a perfect fit for me.

Meanwhile, Amber told her husband that she thought I would be a great fit and maybe they could get me to switch from Family Assistant to Executive Assistant for the school year… Do you see how this is falling into place?  Even though it is 100% outside of that PERFECT plan I had for myself growing up? God was doing things in me and around me, and it was about to get even better.

Continue the story with Part 4!