Travel on a budget by focusing on flights and food

We often get asked how we can travel on a budget. People assume that since we teach Financial Peace university, we have to sacrifice all fun – especially travel.

The key to being able to travel is ultimately prioritizing travel above other things. We keep other areas of our budget incredibly low to be able to put a little more into our travel fund. Still, we have big goals, so we don’t set aside a ton of money for our trips. Budgeting wisely before and during travel means we are able to keep our costs low and travel more frequently!

We’ve found over the course of our travels that the two things that can easily ruin a travel budget are flight costs and food costs. Here are our top tips to stay on budget!

Travel on a Budget: Flights

Patience is key in this area. It can be easy to get caught up in the excitement of planning a trip and book a flight right away, but being patience and shopping around can often help you find a better deal.

Another key is being willing to sacrifice the amenities many flights offer. Flying isn’t always glamorous, so it can be tempting to splurge on fancier seats. Being willing to skip the extra food and give up some leg room can save you hundreds of dollars.

Another tip for flying is to pack light! Baggage costs can be steep, so we try to consolidate into as few bags as possible. Often times we each bring a personal item and we share a carryon. Not checking a bag saves money on most airlines! Check your airline’s baggage standards to see what will save you the most on your trip.

Our DELSEY suitcase has served us well and has been around the world with us!

Finally, being willing to travel in the off season will save you lots of money too. Traveling to the beach during spring break will cost you a lot more than it would during a less peak time!

Travel on a Budget: Food

Food can be one of the sneakiest things in a travel budget. It’s so easy to indulge in all sorts of treats and drinks. Plus, grabbing food while on the go can quickly add up!

Bringing your own snacks and a water bottle will save you lots of money at the airport. We also try to pack snacks on road trips too, because those little pitstops can end up costing you! Sure, it’s often only $5 a time, but every stop on every trip is a lot of money!

Even when we traveled to Europe, we made a point to shop at local grocery stores when possible to save money!

When traveling, we also do our best to continue making our own food. Not only does this allow us to eat a little healthier while traveling, but it saves us a ton of money! Stop at a local grocery store to stock up for some, or even most, of your meals.

Las Paletas (Gourmet popsicles) were a pre-planned treat in Nashville!

Finally, plan ahead. We love to try food in new places, and could easily it out for every meal. When we travel, we prioritize what places we REALLY want to try, and plan times to eat at those establishments. We allow a little wiggle room for when things come up, but only eating out a few times keeps us focused on our goals – health-wise AND financially!

What other tips do you have for traveling on a budget? We’re always on the hunt for new tips that will help us travel even more!

How to be a traveler not a tourist

Cody and I have been to a number of countries (23) between the two of us with the goal of always being a traveler not a tourist! We’ve traveled alone and in big groups – but one thing has stayed the same no matter where we travel. We are not tourists!

Our Adventure Wall - 1 photo for each country we've been to together!
Our Adventure Wall – One photo for each country we’ve been to together!

What does that mean exactly, you might ask? Here are things that we keep in mind while planning, preparing, and enjoying a trip!

Go in with a plan

If you are wandering around with your face buried in a map, you’re going to stick out like a sore thumb. If you know where you want to go and what you want to do, you can go into your travels with confidence! Plan out your stops beforehand and take a look at maps and directions ahead of time.

At on of Cody’s home-stays in Germany, they spent the afternoon talking and walking around the local park

That being said – don’t be afraid to be a little spontaneous. Some of our greatest travel moments have been moments that happened out of the blue. These moments, usually at places the locals choose to be, are so much fun.

Know the culture and get to know the culture

Go in knowing what to expect. Will the people around you be speaking the same language as you? Do the women all wear skirts? Is it disrespectful to No matter where you go, it’s a safe bet that the locals won’t be wearing passports around their necks!

When Alyssa traveled to Estonia, she was able to spend a day in a local elementary school! It was a great way to get to know the culture!

While you’re there, get the most out of your travel experiences by immersing yourself in the culture. It can be cool to see the touristy places, but spend a minute at those places and head a little off the beaten path!

Be a normal human

The main point here has to do with language barriers. When you are speaking, don’t speak louder to try and be heard or understood. This one probably sounds a little crazy, but we’ve run into it more than once. When we were in Costa Rica, we were up in the mountains in the rainforest. It was SO COOL, and the locals spoke Spanish! Another traveler in the same lodge wanted cookies and kept asking in English. When they didn’t understand he just KEPT ASKING getting LOUDER and SLOWWWWER every time. Everyone was so uncomfortable! You’re much better off asking if someone else could translate for you.

Taking a guided tour of Volcan Tenorio in Costa Rica with a local from our lodge

Bonus to being a traveler not a tourist

When you travel like a local, you often save money! Places that are often visited by tourists are often much higher in price. Being willing to try local places and diving into the culture a little can save you money in your travels!

So, how do you plan a trip though?

Our basic, bare-bones strategy for being a traveler not a tourist boils down to this*:
1) Go to a new place.
2) Quickly check out the touristy stuff.
3) Find where the locals prefer to spend time.

*Except at Disney. At Disney, all bets are off and we will immerse ourselves in all things touristy. But really, Disney is its own little world, and the culture is touristy.

How to make the most of an NYC trip!

We had just a few short days in NYC in 2015. It looked like it would be impossible to see everything we wanted to see, but we were determined!  We packed our bags and hit the road for O’Hare International Airport. Our arrival in New York was late on Saturday night and we had to leave early on Wednesday.  Knowing that NYC is not only a big city, but also a big hub for tourism, we were afraid we wouldn’t be able to control our spending.  It turns out that NYC can be great, even on a budget! 

The Osegards with Christina!

NYC on a budget!

For starters, we saved a little bit each month in a fund for travel, so that we could do this trip debt free.  By doing this, we essentially prepaid for our vacation. The best part about a vacation paid for in cash is that the vacation doesn’t follow you home! It only took us around $450 to enjoy a few days in NYC, so we wanted to share our secrets. 

Look for flight deals

This was our biggest way to save money, plain and simple. One trade-off we made was flying out of a different airport. Instead of flying out of our Twin Cities airport, we drove to Chicago (for about $60 in gas), but it saved us $150 in flight costs! 

Make friends

One of our dearest friends lived in New York at the time, and she was gracious enough to let us stay in her apartment. This saved us lodging costs AND allowed us to spend precious time with a friend we don’t get nearly enough time with. And maybe it’s just me, but it felt more like the “authentic” experience bunking in a tiny Manhattan apartment!

Look for the Free things to do

There are plenty of things to waste your money on in NYC, but there are a million free and amazing things to see and do as well. Some of our favorites were walking around Central Park, visiting the Macy’s in Herald square, and seeing other popular sites. Highlights were Grand Central Terminal, the Flat Iron building, walking Times Square, viewing the 9/11 memorial, the Staten Island Ferry, walking to the Rockefeller Center, seeing the Empire State building and more.

Grand Central Station
Walking in NYC

Another thing that saved us a lot of money was doing thing that were close to each other at the same time. This allowed us to walk instead of paying for public transportation. We actually walked a LOT more than I would recommend on a typical trip, but it saved us a lot of money!


September 11 Memorial

It would seem that there are approximately 4523452 museums in New York.  We asked around and decided that the one we most wanted to see was The 9/11 Memorial Museum.  It was a bit pricey – but absolutely worth it. Neither of us are typically museum fans, which made it easy to just pick one, and we picked right. We spent 3 hours learning and exploring and the time flew by.  It is a somber place (and I wouldn’t recommend taking kiddos there) but it is incredible.

Eat in or share meals

We tried to eat in at our friend’s apartment for meals when we could.  Because our days were filled to the brim with fun activities, it wasn’t always easy to do that, so we purchased snacks from a grocery store that we could bring with us. 

We don’t cut eating out when we travel, because we LOVE to try restaurants in new places, but when we eat out we try to split meals to cut the costs (and sometimes allow us a few smaller meals in more restaurants!).

NY Style Pizza

Things we could have done to cut costs more

Maybe you have more than two people going on this trip or $450 is still more than you can swing for a trip. That’s totally fine! We had more ways we could have cut costs!

  1. Theoretically, we COULD have walked everywhere.  We probably spent $20-30 on the Subway and bus. We needed to for transport to the airport but we technically could have walked everywhere else.  There were a few long walks that we decided weren’t worth it for us.
  2. We could have only eaten in.  We chose to eat out a few times, because they were places we really wanted to go.  However, had we eaten at our friends or eaten from street vendors and such, we could have saved even more.
  3. We could have skipped the museum. But boy, I’m glad we didn’t.

Though we are strict budgeters, we do try to find a line between trying new things versus not overspending.  For us we found a great balance where we could try everything we wanted to do AND not let our vacation follow us home!

Our Nashville Favorites

Our Nashville trip last month was full of some really great people, places, and food (of course!).  We wanted to share our favorites with you!

Grand Ole Opry

Our Air BnB

We could not have found a more perfect home base for our trip. The location worked out perfectly for us, driving all around Nashville, down to Brentwood and Franklin, and we hardly hit traffic anywhere. This basement in-law apartment had a full kitchen, lots of space to spread out and relax, and even a private garage. Didi even provided a cute snack basket, coffee, and other nice touches that made it feel like home! We will definitely be staying here the next time we are in Nashville!


Bartaco Falafel TacoBartaco – This place was recommended to us by a friend, and rightfully so.  We drove by it multiple times, and every time it was standing room only inside and on the patio. We got the Cauliflower Rice Bowl and the Falafel Tacos. Both of them were amazing! It’s worth noting that the tacos are pretty tiny, but really it just means you can try multiple kinds and still have room for more. The cauliflower bowl was especially delicious and has me wanting roasted cauliflower all the time!

The Pharmacy Orange Dream FloatThe Pharmacy – I was skeptical of this place because we found it on all the recommended tourist lists.  We tend to err on the less-touristy side of things, but we decided to give it a try.  The atmosphere was fun, the service was really great, and we loved sitting on the terraced deck outside.  We split a burger with sweet potato fries, which ended up being more than enough food. The bean burger was AMAZING, but then again, how could something topped with guac and pico NOT be delicious? We also ended up having a creamsicle ice cream soda which was like a taste of childhood!  We definitely recommend it, but aim for off-peak times – we chose mid afternoon and it was nice and quiet!

Jeni’s Splendid Ice Creams – It’s no secret that the Osegards love ice cream, so when someone recommended Jeni’s, we knew we had to give it a try for it’s unique flavors! Alyssa wanted to try the Salted Peanut Butter with Chocolate Flecks, but they were all out. We split a three scoop and were not disappointed with the creaminess or the flavor!

Stay Golden ChilaquilesStay Golden – This is a brand new coffee shop that opened the week we were in Nashville, so without much of a reputation, we almost didn’t even go. I am SO glad we did.  First off – it’s is so clean and modern! The service is amazing. You order off of an ipad, which I thought for sure meant we would never see a human, but the service was wonderful too.  However, NOTHING can compare to the food. We tried a few drinks and food items, but the chilaquiles were hands down the best food we had in Nashville.  Normally, I am a texture person, and when I say that, I mean there are foods I don’t like to eat because I don’t like the texture. This was the first time in my life I loved a food because I LOVED the texture.  The flavors were incredible, and I have often dreamed of the chilaquiles since coming home.


Jamaica Way PattiesWalk around the Farmer’s market – Great local produce right near downtown Nashville, and some awesome food options for lunch as well! We had some delicious Jamaican patties from Jamaica Way. 


Nashville Murals with The Osegards

Find cool murals – They are ALL over the place. We found a bunch of them with some quick searches, but they seem to be changing and adding more murals all the time!

Centennial Park – A great place to walk and relax away from the busyness of the city! Plus, a park with a giant replica of a Greek historical building in the middle of Tennessee? Color me intrigued!The Osegards in Centennial Park
Love Circle – A bit of a hike for a tiny patch of grass at the top of the hill, but the views of the city are very good!The Osegards at Love Circle


Belcourt Taps NashvilleBelcourt Taps – By FAR the musical highlight of our trip. We ended up spending 3 out of our 6 nights in Nashville here, listening to some AMAZING local musicians. The service here was exceptional, their beer selection was chock full of local brews, and the food was great too!

The Osegards meeting Dave Ramsey!
Ramsey Solutions – Obviously a highlight of our trip, and worth a stop in! Be sure to check the schedule ahead of time, but Dave is in the studio most weeks M-F from 1-4 and you can stop in to watch live and even say hi during his breaks!The Osegards Debt Free Scream
Downtown Franklin – Tons of cute shops and great food! We particularly liked Heylee B and Frothy Monkey!Coffee at Frothy Monkey
Crosspoint Church – I listen to their podcast every week, and it was such a great experience to see a service live!

Cross Point Church Sign

Cant miss that sign!

Our Debt Free Scream!

It’s finally happened – we took our trip to Nashville and were able to do our Debt Free Scream live on The Dave Ramsey Show! We have been looking forward to that chance since we first heard about Dave and the Financial Peace University course. We knew it was a long-shot to actually get on the show, but we are SO excited that we were given the chance. Here’s a little look at what the day was like for us!

Ramsey Solutions

Walking into Financial Peace Plaza is such a cool experience. Right in the front doors, you can see into the studio where Dave records and films for his shows. The wall is covered with hand-written notes from past guests who have paid off their debts. We were greeted and welcomed in true Tennessee fashion, “Y’all”s and everything! We got checked in, snagged some complimentary lattes and cookies at the cafe… Sidenote- if you want to become the Osegard’s new best friends: coffee is the answer. We were there nice and early, so we had plenty of time to chat with our wrangler, Kat, and the video host George Kamel. Everyone we talked to was so kind, caring, funny, and so genuinely excited for us to be there! They made us feel like the celebrities.

Show Time!

When it was almost time for us to join Dave on the air, Kat got us our headset and we were officially tethered to the wall. Like a well-oiled machine, they clear the furniture in the lobby to the sides, and gather all of the visitors towards the entrance. They have a camera on the visitors, and this gives us a clear line-of-sight to Dave in his chair in the studio. We have a sound check with Kelly, and give a wave to the camera to set up the shot. And we were LIVE!

As soon as we start talking with Dave, any nerves we had just kind of disappeared. There’s just something about him that calms you down, I don’t know how else to explain it. He asks a few questions, we tell our story, and before you know it almost 8 minutes have passed. He starts to set up for our scream, and I’m getting excited. Alyssa grabs my hand, so I know she’s ready to YELL! “Count it down, let’s hear a Debt Free Scream!”

We’re Debt Free!

“3,2,1… WE’RE DEBT FREE!!!” We scream it out and the lobby fills with our yell, clapping, and music. What a surreal experience! I just kept grinning like a fool, and leaned down to give Alyssa a nice, awkward don’t-smack-the-microphone-on-your-face hug. We did it – we were out of debt, we made our trip out to Nashville, and we yelled at Dave Ramsey. I’d call that a successful trip!

We couldn’t be more happy for so many reasons. The people we met at Ramsey Solutions were all so incredible, and we can’t wait to work with many of them again! Alyssa and I have led Financial Peace classes 4 times already, and we have no plans to stop. It has given us so much in such a short time, and we want other people to see the same success with money. What would our world be like if even half of us were debt free and able to GIVE without concern for our families or futures? We want to see a world like that!

ps. You can check out our Debt Free Scream on Youtube!

How to do Disneyland in only two days!

While Cody and I may look and act like grown-ups, deep down we are still kids at heart. So when an opportunity to go to Disneyland comes up, we were NOT about to pass it up! Here are our top tips for how to do Disneyland in only two days (and without kids)!

1 Make the most of your time

Get there before the gates open! Being towards the front of the line makes it easy to get to whatever ride you want! Plus, it’s really crowded to leave at park close.  We did it one day, and it was worth it to see the fireworks show once. But it was definitely way nicer to be there at the open than at the close (plus it gave us the option to do both and make the most of our time there).

2 Get the MaxPass app!

We had heard of fast passes, but always assumed that they cost extra, so we weren’t sure they were worth it. At Disneyland, you can get a fast pass for free, but you have to physically go to the ride you want one for. To save time, Disney has a MaxPass app that is only $10 a day!  It’s

One of our favorite FastPass rides was Toy Story Midway Mania!

definitely the only reason we were able to hit all the super popular rides – most of them multiple times too!  Waits for Radiator Springs Racer, one of Disney’s newest rides, were upwards of 1.5 hours, but we were able to go three times while we were there thanks to that app! The goal here is to schedule a fast-pass in the app, then hit as many rides as you can fit in before your time comes up. Then, you head through the fast pass line and hop on without the ridiculous wait time! If you have a park hopper pass, you even get to schedule fast pass rides in both parks, no matter which one you are in!


3 Hit the popular rides first

Each morning we made a beeline for a popular ride that we would otherwise need a fast pass for.  As awesome as a fast pass is, you can only have one at a time, so you still have to be strategic.  Hitting a popular ride like Indiana Jones Adventure saved us from having to get another fast pass, and allowed us to still hop right on a popular ride!

4 Pack light

One little backpack was all we needed to store the necessities!

We brought one small backpack with some sunscreen, a couple granola bars, and a glasses case for me. It was nice to have a small bag to put wallets/glasses/ etc in on rides, but also not be weighed down by too much that we were uncomfortable on rides or stuck dealing with sore shoulders!

5 Invest in the park hopper

A park hopper pass at Disneyland gets you into both Disneyland Park and Disney California Adventure Park. Being able to bounce back and forth between parks was THE BEST. Since we could schedule fast passes in either park, a park hopper pass was the best way to maximize our time and money on our Disney trip! In our two days, we hopped back and forth around 10-12 times, since the parks are right next to each other!

6 Eat at weird times

You could EASILY waste hours and hours waiting in food lines.  Our recommendation is to eat at

Everyone told us about these churros!

weird times.  Obviously, our bodies weren’t adjusted to eating at non-meal times, so we just ate more frequently.  At 9:30 or 10 we would split a corn dog, then over the lunch rush we could hop on some rides, then at 1:30 or 2 we would get churros or split a meal somewhere. We’d save our granola bars for later in the afternoon to keep us full enough over dinner, and then after the dinner rush we’d grab our own food!

7 Wear good shoes you can move in!

This may seem like a given, but I’m a midwest girl. I wanted to soak up the sun, enjoy the California warmth, and break out my flip flops.  Thank goodness I had the sense to throw on my tennis shoes again.  Since we were childless at Disneyland and only had two days to soak it all in, being able to move fast to dart past strollers and get to your fastpass reservation was AMAZING!

8 Be smart with your money (plan souvenirs ahead of time, split food)

You could EASILY spend hours (and dollars) shopping at Disney.  If you have more than two days, it might be fun to have a shopping day. For us, we wanted to maximize our time on rides!  We made a plan ahead of time for what we were going to get – Cody collects shot glasses, and we both collect coffee mugs so we knew those were the two things we were going to get! And if at all possible, wait until you are ready to leave the park to buy them. Why carry the extra junk all over the park when you don’t have to?

BONUS TIP: If a ride breaks down, be patient!

One of the biggest advantages of traveling kid free was having a little more flexibility.  Rides break down a LOT.  If you’re in line, we encourage you to stick around. Disney does a stellar job of closing, fixing, and re-opening rides very efficiently. Almost every ride was fixed in 10 minutes or less, but for people with kids, that’s too long to wait. With uncertainty if it WILL be up and running soon, the lines cleared out super fast. We would often end up on the ride faster than if it hadn’t broken down!

Top 5 Favorite Travel Snacks

Do you LOVE travel snacks? We always have.  Road trips have always been an excuse for giant fountain pops, fast food, and lots of candy!  However, since Cody and I have been working on having a healthier lifestyle, those travel snacks weren’t fitting the bill anymore! Here are some of our alternatives that are simple, healthy, AND delicious

1) Snackable fruits and veggies

We love to grab a bag of carrots! Since our car snacks have always been super munchable, baby carrots, apples, pears, baby bell peppers, and more are perfect travel snack!

2) Green Pea Snack Crisps.

We got the White Cheddar ones from Harvest Snacks on our Grand Canyon trip and THEY TASTE LIKE WHITE CHEDDAR CHEETOS. I don’t know that I will ever be able to pass them up.  We’ve linked them below with our affiliate link because we love these things (and we want more money to buy even more of them. So buy a lot so we can get a great kickback, mmmkay? Ha!) 

3)  Air popped popcorn!

We both LOVE popcorn.  You know the buckets at theatres that are the size of a small child and offer free refills? That’s one of the reasons we shouldn’t be allowed in movie theatres.  Air popped is the way to go. WAY lower in calories, fat, etc, it is the perfect “munchy” snack in the car!

4) Snack boxes

These things are basically homemade lunchables.  We do this when we have a long drive and don’t want to stop, when we have coolers to make the food stay fresh longer, or even when we have to leave right at a meal time.   

We include nuts, raisins, apples, cheese cubes, deli meat, peppers, and sometimes a little piece of chocolate just because.  

5) Shakeology!  

We never travel without our shake now.  I can’t even begin to tell you how many times this shake has saved us from the drive-through (and when we chatted too long to have a lunch break at Sassy Con).  It keeps us full, gives us energy to stay awake for the drive, and has the nutrients of a TON of vegetables (I’ve heard as much as the equivalent of six salads!). It also has a lot of protein which helps keeps us full as we stay at the pump when refueling, passing on all our favorite junk foods and unhealthy travel snacks!

For us, these snacks help to kick off a road trip on the right foot. We make sure to eat quality nutrients and avoid our typical sugar-filled vices when possible. What are some of your staple travel snacks, nutritious or otherwise?

How we did a Grand Canyon trip in only 24 hours

Cody and I recently traveled to the Phoenix area for a conference.  We figured if we were traveling all that way, we may as well do a Grand Canyon trip, a place we had both wanted to see for a very long time.  The problem was that we landed at 9 AM Wednesday and needed to be back in Phoenix by Thursday night so we could be up for Sunrise Yoga on Friday!

If you know us, I’m sure you’re already assuming that my spreadsheet skills (#OsegardsTakeDisney2017) are what got us through a successful Grand Canyon trip in 24 hours, but the credit all goes to Cody! He planned the whole trip while I was too stressed finishing up teaching. He did a great job too!

Grand Canyon trip part 1 – Wednesday 

We landed bright and early (after an even EARLIER flight) and picked up a rental car. We hopped on the road and drove the four hours from the airport to the Grand Canyon National Park, with a quick pit stop for some travel snacks and lunch!

Grand Canyon Trip - Mather Point ViewOur first stop was the Grand Canyon Visitors center.  We went to the building first, and honestly we were underwhelmed.  It was crowded and touristy, and there was not enough water to go around, but luckily, Cody had a plan.  We made the quick walk over to Mather Point – which is sort of “the view” of the Grand Canyon. It was an amazing view, but it was so full of tourists and people who wanted to SEE the Grand Canyon and not EXPERIENCE the Grand Canyon.  Mather Point gave us some amazing views, but it was only worth a quick stop!

Next we explored the Grand Canyon village a little bit in search for some wifi to get a little bit of work done. We stopped for an hour to stretch and work at El Tovar hotel. The trek there took us through a lot of construction and plenty of tourist activities in a quaint looking village. While it might be a fun stop for families, it was not our cup of tea, so we traveled on.

Grand Canyon Trip Part 2 – Journey around the Canyon

Grand Canyon Trip - Pulling off to photograph another view!The next stop on our journey was a two and a half hour trek up the east side of the Grand Canyon/outside part of Navajo Nation. This was one of my favorite parts of the trip, because the views were spectacular.  It seemed like every 10 miles or so was another place to pull off the road and check out the views. It was totally worth slowing down our trip to stop for a view times.

Grand Canyon Trip - View out the hotel window...

Cody had hunted for a place for us to stay Wednesday night.  Being such an amazing place, the Grand Canyon and surrounding areas have high demand for lodging, and not as many options as you would think.  We were going to be out in the heat all day Wednesday and Thursday, so we really weren’t picky about high-class lodging. Most places were running $200+/night in the area, but Cody was able to snag us a great little place in Marble Canyon for $96.  Admittedly, it was not the fanciest place we’ve ever stayed, but the views were unbeatable.

Grand Canyon Trip Part 3 -Thursday

We asked the locals where the best use of our time on Thursday would be.  They suggested traveling towards Cathedral Wash Trailway, so off we headed!  Grand Canyon Trip - Glen Canyon Balanced RockWith our body clocks still on central time, we got on the road by 7 am before it got too hot!  We noticed on our map that Balanced Rock was right by the hike, so we stopped there first to grab some pictures.

Grand Canyon Trip - Glen Canyon Cathedral Wash Hike

Being up so early meant we had our adventures to ourselves!  We took the Cathedral Wash lower trail, which meant hiking down into the canyon!  It was AMAZING. The hike is a Moderate 3 rating hike (out of 5). Most of it was pretty awesome, except I chickened out towards the end by a big 30 ft drop. Cody for sure would have gone the rest of the way, but I’m a chicken!  We made it really close though, and we didn’t see a single person for our entire hike. It was incredible.

From there, we drove to another touristy area north of Page. The hope was to swim at the Coves on Lake Powell, but the area was closed.  So, we stopped by the beach area down the road for a hot second to cool off instead.  The water was crystal clear and again, the views were stunning!Grand Canyon Trip - Lake Powell

Grand Canyon Trip Part 4 – The Journey Back

It was time to head back to the Phoenix area, so we hit the road yet.  The road out of Page passes right by Horseshoe Bend. It was an incredible touristy location, but a quick ¾ mile hike takes you to the most stunning view of the Canyon where the river makes practically a 360 degree turn.  It was a windy area and there are no safety barriers in place, so you for sure have to make smart choices, but as you can see from the pictures – it was worth it!Grand Canyon Trip - Horseshoe Bend

After putting over 900 miles on our rental car, we wrapped up our roadtrip sprint  in under 24 hours!  The Grand Canyon was absolutely stunning and we will for sure be back again someday!